Source code for fastFM.bpr

# Author: Immanuel Bayer
# License: BSD 3 clause

import ffm
import numpy as np
from .base import FactorizationMachine
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal
from .validation import check_array, assert_all_finite

[docs]class FMRecommender(FactorizationMachine): """ Factorization Machine Recommender with pairwise (BPR) loss solver. Parameters ---------- n_iter : int, optional The number of interations of individual samples . init_stdev: float, optional Sets the stdev for the initialization of the parameter random_state: int, optional The seed of the pseudo random number generator that initializes the parameters and mcmc chain. rank: int The rank of the factorization used for the second order interactions. l2_reg_w : float L2 penalty weight for linear coefficients. l2_reg_V : float L2 penalty weight for pairwise coefficients. l2_reg : float L2 penalty weight for all coefficients (default=0). step_size : float Stepsize for the SGD solver, the solver uses a fixed step size and might require a tunning of the number of iterations `n_iter`. Attributes --------- w0_ : float bias term w_ : float | array, shape = (n_features) Coefficients for linear combination. V_ : float | array, shape = (rank_pair, n_features) Coefficients of second order factor matrix. """ def __init__(self, n_iter=100, init_stdev=0.1, rank=8, random_state=123, l2_reg_w=0.1, l2_reg_V=0.1, l2_reg=0, step_size=0.1): super(FMRecommender, self).\ __init__(n_iter=n_iter, init_stdev=init_stdev, rank=rank, random_state=random_state) if (l2_reg != 0): self.l2_reg_V = l2_reg self.l2_reg_w = l2_reg else: self.l2_reg_w = l2_reg_w self.l2_reg_V = l2_reg_V self.step_size = step_size self.task = "ranking"
[docs] def fit(self, X, pairs): """ Fit model with specified loss. Parameters ---------- X : scipy.sparse.csc_matrix, (n_samples, n_features) y : float | ndarray, shape = (n_compares, 2) Each row `i` defines a pair of samples such that the first returns a high value then the second FM(X[i,0]) > FM(X[i, 1]). """ # The sgd solver expects a transposed design matrix in column major # order (csc_matrix). X = X.T # creates a copy X = check_array(X, accept_sparse="csc", dtype=np.float64) assert_all_finite(pairs) pairs = pairs.astype(np.float64) # check that pairs contain no real values assert_array_equal(pairs, pairs.astype(np.int32)) assert pairs.max() <= X.shape[1] assert pairs.min() >= 0 self.w0_, self.w_, self.V_ = ffm.ffm_fit_sgd_bpr(self, X, pairs) return self